How Do I Request for Return/Refund for My Delivered By Seller COD Orders? Sellers with the “Delivered by Seller” option arrange their own delivery. These sellers would call you to arrange the delivery schedule or an appointment in their nominated branches within 48 hours. Please keep your lines open to avoid delivery or fulfillment failure. Returning Delivered By Seller Orders: If you want to return an item that you purchased from a DBS Seller, you will have to directly coordinate your return and/or refund request to that same seller.  You can contact the seller via clicking on ” Chat Now” on their Store Profile Please prepare the following information to provide to the seller:
  1. Order Number
  2. Product Name
  3. Reason for Return and/or Refund
Wait for the seller to provide a decision on your return and/or refund request within 24 hours. You are allowed to dispute the decision within seven (7) days of the release of the seller’s decision. Zayaho Easy Refund Policy Zayaho aims to provide our customers with a 100% worry-free shopping experience. If you are unsatisfied with the item you received or have other issues with your package, our Easy Refund Policy has got you covered. Please take note that the processing time of your refund will depend on the type of refund and the payment method you used. Learn everything you need to know about our Refund Policy! Refund Types Zayaho will process your refund according to the following refund types:
  • Refunds from canceled orders – Refund is automatically triggered once cancelation has been successfully processed.
  • Refunds from returns -Refund is processed after Zayaho has done the quality evaluation of the returned item. All COD orders are refunded through Zayaho Wallet.
Refunds from failed deliveries -Refund process starts the item reaches the seller back. Please take note that this may take more time depending on the area of your delivery address.